Here's how it works

Hi there,

Breakups can be brutal - for both the dumper and the dumpee - and it’s normal to feel a deep sense of loss.

The biggest difference between the dumper and dumpee is the dumper has been contemplating and even processing feelings way before they pull the breakup trigger. The dumpee will often not see it coming and may feel they had no say in the matter.

Being the dumpee, the breakup may feel like the ground was pulled out from underneath you. You will likely feel strong emotions such as disempowerment, a sense of betrayal,  or feeling victimized by your partner’s choice to leave the relationship.

The thoughts may become obsessive: "what’s wrong with me”... “I’m not good enough, not pretty or smart enough" or "if only I did things differently they would not have left me”...

And the worst of all - you may feel that you will be alone for the rest of your life.

But I’m here to tell ya...

If you are willing to go through the process of mending your broken heart with the help of a little time and this program I have put together, YOU will come out the other side stronger, wiser, more loving, and knowing yourself much better. 

What’s important is for you to follow the steps I put in the 4-week program in order for you to breakthrough to see that when the time is right, you will love again!

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