Momentum Monthly Membership

    Testimonials from Momentum Membership participants:

    "I'm a lifelong learner and one of the reasons I came to Momentum was for accountability and staying in alignment. 

    I wanted to stay motivated and energized in my journey to switch careers and I'm so glad I had dedicated time to reflect on what I'm struggling with and how to shift that. I also got resources that help me when I need to reset or pause in the stress of everyday life. 

    Since joining, I've been expressing more gratitude about life which I couldn't have expected before joining. I have learned more about myself and what thoughts may have been limiting me throughout my professional career. 

    If you want to shift the thought patterns that are limiting you and are looking for kindred spirits who may be experiencing new changes or want a community to stay accountable, I recommend Momentum Membership for you."

    - Avni

    "I initially joined to get clarity and guidance for my career. I wanted an MBA and start my own company. 

    Momentum gave me a community and a place where other souls support each other. Lauren is an amazing guide and the realignment I experience is so powerful. 

    At the beginning I wouldn't have been able to imagine how accomplished and "light" I feel after our realignment sessions. It has also taught me to have good boundaries when caring for others too.

    Since joining Momentum, I've graduated with my MBA, started a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization), and helped my daughter graduate and enroll in a great college. 

    I feel my sessions with Lauren helped me to be a more caring, supportive, and balanced person and parent. 

    If you want to get clarity about your relationships, career or direction in life, or want to achieve your goals and become more aware of how many choices you have, you'll be able to find them at Momentum."

    - Blythe

    "One of the biggest areas of growth for me where this showed up was in my relationship with my mom. I started changing how I responded to her - not trying to people please, just being more myself, and doing and saying what was true to me. By doing this, I was not trying to change her, but rather, change the way we interacted. Over the course of several years, and through my work with Lauren, I was able to change how we communicated and interacted with each other, including telling her no, even when she tried to apply "mom guilt" to get me to do what she wanted, as well as understanding and regularly drawing my boundaries with her.

    Additionally, a big part of getting over the people-pleasing aspect was also having confidence in myself and my own lovability. I came to realize I am lovable without having to change who I am with others, i.e. do what they want to please them even if it makes me unhappy. And what I also realized was that no matter what happened - if that person didn't want to date me, be friends with me, etc., it didn't matter because I had my own back and knew I was going to be okay. For example for the first time ever, I ended a friendship with someone I wanted to be in a romantic relationship because I was not getting what I needed from him with regard to our relationship, and knew I never would - he wasn't for me. This was a huge growth step. And I knew that breaking it off with him was the right thing, I was going to be okay, and by doing this I was making room for the right person who will give me what I am looking for in a partner."

    - Shannon

    "I've worked with Lauren for many years and with her help changed careers, got married, and moved back to my hometown which I don't love but I have made peace with it. We worked on me shifting my perspective and self-judgment about moving back home. I have a daughter now and it's good that she can grow up with extended family. 

    I took a break from individual sessions and joined her momentum monthly group at the beginning of 2019. I no longer felt I  needed individual sessions but joined the group for continued support and consistent upgrading. 

    The group has also kept me accountable.

    Recently I have started back up with individual sessions with Lauren in between our group sessions because I was making a huge transition in my career. It was a tough decision to go to work for my family's business but Lauren helped me with making a decision I feel good about. And, she is helping me make this transition. 

    My new job is providing me with an income and stability I never thought imaginable.

    I'm so grateful to Lauren for believing in me when I didn't and seeing the potential in me I couldn't. Then shifting my perspective to see me the way she sees me."

    - Gentry

    46 Modules

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     Momentum Monthly Membership 6 month prepaid (Save $74! – then $688 every 6 months, cancel any time and we’ll remind you before you’re charged again.)
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     $127.00 USD  ( then $127.00 USD a month )

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